This earth is not our home, but enjoy the journey!

This earth is not our home, but enjoy the journey!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Why I love college students

It was the mid-80's, and @edstetzer was the youth pastor at Calvary Baptist Church. Ed approached me one Sunday evening, and said "Kathryn, you need to adopt a college student". I asked him why, and he said "because you do." Two things you need to know about Ed: he probably gave me several other reasons, and you don't tell him "no." Randy & I adopted two Shorter students (gasp...the other school), named April & Christie. The rest is history.

We have had so many students in our homes over the past 25 years, and it has been such a blessing. Here are some of the reasons I love college students:

1. They laugh a lot, and laughing in contagious.

2. They don't care if you cleaned your house.
3. They'll eat anything, and are grateful to get it. We have rule at our house - college students & guest go first and if you don't like it don't eat it!

4. They are interested in spiritual things, and what you believe.

5. They are good role models for my kids (at least the ones that come to my house!), and have helped shaped them into the people they are today.

6. Their faith is amazing. I have learned so much from students as they demonstrate their faith by serving and loving others. They trust Him with their whole heart, and understand the sovereignty of God.

7. They are busy, and don't stay long!

8. They like to have fun. Students in your home is fun, and often loud.

9. It's fun to watch them mature as young adults, and feel like you had a part in their growth.

10. They get married, have kids, and come to visit!

Until I had my own college students (2 in college), one of the reasons I loved college students was because they weren't your kids. Someone else was still responsible for them! Having two of my own, it's a little different....but I'm just the caretaker, they all belong to God. Whatever He has for their lives is OK with me. They belong to Him.


  1. Can't tell you how thankful I am that you love college students. :)

  2. Ditto with Hailey! Your family was a TREMENDOUS blessing to Joe and I. Hey... we started falling in love while at your house! :o)

  3. Thank you for being so willing to take us in! I'm going to hate moving on, but I will come back and visit. When God says go, you have to go! Thanks again for all of the encouragement to follow Him!

  4. Thank you so much for all you do/did for Chris and myself. And as for that married comment mark December 18 on your calendar! We'll be in Rome Memorial Day Weekend and hopefully we'll get to see you if you're in town.

  5. We love the Nobles! We are so grateful that you took us under your wing. Your home as always felt like home to us!
