This earth is not our home, but enjoy the journey!

This earth is not our home, but enjoy the journey!

Friday, December 30, 2011

Christmas 2011

Nobles Christmas card photo

Christmas tree that we cut at the local tree farm, it's a November tradition
 Since Christmas was on a Sunday, the traditions were definitely broken.  We went out to lunch with Randy's mom on Friday before Christmas, then back to her house to exchange gifts.  Sunday morning the kids opened stockings (mostly candy) and then we went to 10:30 service.  Typically Calvary has a praise band, but for Christmas morning it was traditional Christmas carols with me at the piano.  Alyssa is serving as an intern in the children's ministry so she read from Luke 2 and Matthew 2 as some of the children acted out the story.

After worship we returned home for a non-traditional Christmas lunch of Chicken Marengo, which is a pasta dish. Randy's mom ate with us and watched as we exchanged gifts with one another.  It definitely made Christmas last longer, because typically all the gifts are opened by 10.  Maybe we have started a new tradition...wait until after lunch to open gifts!
Kate opening a new Wii game. We got our first gaming system last year, and it has been fun!

Alyssa knew this was a planner from, so I didn't bother wrapping it.
Kate said, "she got one of those last year"  Obviously she isn't aware that they only last for one year!

Aaron opening the book "Radical"...hoping he'll read it.

Alyssa opening one of her MANY kitchen gifts. She graduates in May, and we anticipate her moving on
and needing  to cook for herself!

Carrie and her new backpack and Kavu rope bag.  She is set for college, minus the tuition!
 The day after Christmas 5 of 6 Nobles loaded in the van to visit my family in Florida.  Aaron stayed in Rome to work and take care of the cats.   My parents are in their late 80's, and still live on the family farm.  During the winter there is an abundance of citrus and pecans.  We look forward to helping them juice oranges, shell pecans and generally lend a hand for a few days.
Papa and Kate juicing oranges under the carport. We picked 5 buckets of oranges,and that didn't even make a dent on what is on the trees around the house!
 My eldest brother and his wife live 20 minutes from the farm, so we got to spend time with them each evening during our visit.  I'm so grateful for all they do for our parents.  They help manage the finances, take them to the doctors, to the grocery store and so much more.  When I visit I cook meals, and put them in the freezer for them to enjoy later.  I learned to cook from my mom, but she doesn't do it much anymore, it's too much for her to deal with.

My niece, Leslie, was home for Christmas from Soviet Georgia.  She is spending the year teaching English in a rural village near Turkey.  It was fun to see her, and hear about her experiences.  You can read about it at her blog.  We enjoyed playing Catch Phrase (even Papa answered a few) and Name 5 with her.  We also exchanged a few other games that require only silverware and your mind!
Carrie washing dishes, and cousin Leslie.
Alyssa and Kate chauffeured Nannie & Papa to the grocery store.  That is always an experience, because Nannie uses a walker and Papa a's a slow go.  The girls are very patient, loving & respectful of their elderly grandparents.  Alyssa left to go to Campus Outreach Conference after one full day at the farm, but I'm glad she got to visit.
Alyssa and the bowl of pecans she shelled.

Warm temperatures encouraged Carrie to try to juggle.  Yes, those are oranges!

We picked the low fruit, and used a ladder to get higher.  The rest of these Chinese Honeys need a cherry picker!
 Chinese Honeys are a treat that you can only find in central FL!

What do you do with rotten fruit? Batter UP!

Carrie pitches, Kate hits (hopefully), and the fruit flies
We are indeed blessed to have family with which to share the holidays!

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