This earth is not our home, but enjoy the journey!

This earth is not our home, but enjoy the journey!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Since 1993

An era has ended, I am no longer a parent at West End Elementary School. When Aaron started in the fall 0f 1993 I was pregnant with Carrie. Who knew that I would continue to take kids to the neighborhood school for 17 years.

The school is half mile from our house, and at the beginning and end of the school year I would walk the kids to school. The traffic is a nightmare when school starts, so we would walk. I pushed a stroller to West End for many years. It was hard (several hills), but a good time to enjoy the fresh air & get some exercise before the school day began. We didn't walk as frequently as kids' backpacks grew heavier & band instruments were in the mix. That is until KATE.

Kate changed our lives! Once all the other kids were out of elementary school Kate & I walked most days to school. It was my time with her and then the jaunt home was exercise & prayer time for me.

Over my years at West End I drove on many field trips, sent stuff for parties, helped at fall festival, baked cupcakes, sent money for various items, helped kids sell gift wrap, ate lunch with the kids, volunteered at the book fair, and on & on. I was never a room mother & never served on the PTO.

Kate at 6th grade graduation.
Kate with Mrs. Gentry, her homeroom teacher in 6th grade. Aaron, Alyssa & Carrie also had Mrs. Gentry at some point at West End.
Kate with the school counselor, Amy Morgan. Amy's time at West End was the same as Kate - kindergarten through 6th grade. She is leaving due to budget cuts in the system. Kate loved Mrs. Morgan!
Kate with Ms. Maxine the crossing guard. She was there every morning to get Kate safely across the street.

Last day of elementary school.
For 17 years I have made it a point to be at home at 3 pm when my kids got off the bus. Now hearing the bus pass the house will not be a big deal. There are bus stories in my past - like when one of the kids that didn't get off when they were supposed to!!

All my kids had the same kindergarten teacher, Jackie Mull. She is still at the school. Most other teachers have retired that were there when Aaron began in 1993. They have had great teaching at West End. The school is much larger and more diverse than when we began. It's been a good run, but my time there is over! Kate now moves to middle school & Randy's in charge. He could retire now, but promises to stay and see Kate through 7th & 8th grade at Rome Middle School.

Kate's new school - RMS!
Right now I'm rejoicing at the end of the era. I may feel differently when the school year rolls around & I don't have anyone at West End!

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe she's already in Middle School. GO KATE!!!
