This earth is not our home, but enjoy the journey!

This earth is not our home, but enjoy the journey!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Snow Day

It snowed on Christmas, and now 2 weeks later it snowed again! We got about 4 inches. Before the snow came, we were storm prep central. Shopping for bread, milk, eggs, and all the essentials. Cooking lots of food, in case the power went out. Moving the grill to the front porch so it would be easier to cook. We found out the generator didn't work, so stocking up on firewood was an important task.
Two of Alyssa's Winshape friends came on Sunday. They drove in so they could get to Rome without getting stuck in the storm. Classes are to start on Wednesday, and they wanted to make sure they were in town. They are supposed to move in the dorm on Tuesday...we'll see. So, we had 2 extra college kids to add to the fun. The snow started about 10 p.m. on Sunday night. They all ran outside to see, and I knew today would be busy.

I think Aaron was the first one up today, and that is definitely not the usual! He couldn't wait to get out in the snow. Randy got the sled out. In fact, he was the first one to use it this morning. It's his sled from when he was a kid, vintage 1961!! Here are a few pictures from today.

Neighborhood from the Nobles house.

Lots of neighbors came out to sled on Lynn Haven Drive. This was sledding central & a good way to meet people in the neighborhood.

Aaron coming up the hill after a good run on the sled.
Brandon Williams wiping out. The trash can lid wasn't the best choice for sledding.
Randy on his sled while the neighbors watch.
Backyard snowball fight.
Carl the snowman with creators Alyssa, Kevin, Kate, Alesa & Carrie. Yes, Alyssa's friend is Alesa!

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