This earth is not our home, but enjoy the journey!

This earth is not our home, but enjoy the journey!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Christmas SURPRISE

In 22 years of having children I have always had an aversion to video games. I'm not exact in the gaming timeline, but since the late 80's there have been names like Atari, Sega, Nintendo, Playstation & XBox. My kids have had computer games that were educational, but never has our household had any game system. Not even a DS. I don't even know what that stands for, I just know it's a handheld thing that keeps kids quiet while parents drive!

My number one reason not to buy a system - I didn't want my kids to be addicted to games. So, over the years they have become addicted to bad TV, and social media!! I have read numerous books & articles that encourage media management. One expert, Edward Hallowell, sums it up: "They need a lot of positive human connection and not too much electronic connection." (from Different Learners by Jane M. Healy)

The week before Christmas I told Randy that I had been thinking about buying the kids a Nintendo Wii. Thinking that ToysRUs had a good price, I sent him to buy it. Of course, I had no idea that you had to buy extra stuff to make it work! Therefore the price was more than advertised. No surprise there!

After 22 years, why the decision to buy a game system? My main goal was to get Kate off the couch. Kate's a swimmer. She swims a lot, but when she is not swimming she is sitting on the couch, eating cookies & ice cream.

The Wii had Kate's name on it. The controllers were to Aaron & Alyssa. Carrie got a game, Wii Sports Resort. Alyssa is the nosy, sniffer of gifts. A few days before Christmas she commented that one of her gifts looked like a Wii controller. The other kids just laughed. We made them open the Wii last on Christmas morning. Alyssa was still smiling, Aaron was the naysayer..."no way Mom would buy a Wii."

Here are some of the Christmas pictures that include the surprised Wii children.

Aaron did not get a Snuggie, but I wrapped one of his gifts in a Snuggie box. Carrie got a purple Snuggie for her birthday.
Carrie passing out gifts to the family.
Alyssa knows & Aaron is shocked!
Carrie with Wii Sports Resort.
On New Year's Eve the Carver family joined us for the festivities, and brought Just Dance and Just Dance 2 for the Wii. WOW! That was a hit! They also brought their two controllers, so 4 could play. Alyssa's former college roommate, Lisa, was also visiting for the weekend. Lisa transferred to Tech this year. It was good to have her join the party!
Look closely, Aaron is sweating. He really likes the Just Dance game.
Here's a short video to show just how much they like dancing. It is definitely a work out.

When the kids opened the Wii, I told them there were limits. So far, so good. What have been the advantages? The kids have played together...ok, sometimes there is yelling! So, instead of sitting in separate rooms and texting or Facebooking, they are interacting. They have played some pretty fun sports games that require hand/eye coordination. Many of the games, especially Just Dance, provide for a great work-out. Randy likes archery & bowling. I have tried numerous sports, but I'm terrible. My Wii fitness age is like 68! When I did golf, it actually told me to GIVE UP...I was 11 over par.

Am I happy with the decision to buy a gaming system? Ask me again in a few months, but for now I would answer yes!


  1. Jonathan and I feel that way about video games too. We weren't allowed to have video games for most of my life, but you're right that I wasted my time doing other things like watching TV. We don't have a TV in our house either...but it's because Jonathan and I both have zero TV self control and become zombies when one is in front of us. But, now we have to resist Hulu! Let us know how it goes!

  2. I've never liked TV or video games, but my parents have a Wii and we always enjoy playing while at their house. I would love to have one. I think Jacin and I would have fun, and that would be a reason to invite people over!!
