This earth is not our home, but enjoy the journey!

This earth is not our home, but enjoy the journey!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Graduation it happens every May

Graduation at Berry College took place on a lovely spring Saturday. The weather was perfect, sun with just enough of a breeze. I had no plans to attend the ceremony until Mr. Musselwhite asked me to play the piano for 2 graduating singers. I had a great seat to view the pomp & circumstance. The band played the pre-game show (prelude to graduation) with some fun tunes, then the grads entered to take their place and receive their degrees.

My plan was to play for the two singers, and get the heck out of dodge. Randy & I had been invited to another graduation party that started at 3, obviously not a Berry student! Mr. M brought me some much needed water as I waited in the warm sunshine. Alyssa arrived to help me with my music...remember the breeze that was blowing! After a brief introductions it was time for tenors Drew & Stephen to sing. They both did a great job, and then I left to attend the aforementioned party. Here's a picture of me with Stephen.

The plan was for Randy to pick me up at Krannert. As I walked from the lawn of college chapel to Krannert I was rewarded with the new & beautiful Kilpatrick Commons. Some fun college friends had decided to be festive, so you will note the water is extra sudsy in the pictures.

I also found these two guys hanging out over at Krannert. Greg & Stephen were December graduates, both music majors. They told me they would both be attending grad school beginning in August. I'm glad they have plans!

So, graduation happened and the students whooped and hollered. The parents said Praise the Lord they finished! Now what? For the students it means starting to work in the real world, searching for a job, or the ever popular answer - grad school! I wish them all the best, but I will miss them.

It happens every May, students that I have come to know and love - leave. There have been past years when I would get really depressed. It's hard when you are accustomed to seeing and talking with these vibrant young adults on a regular basis. We have them in our home, we feed them, we learn about their dreams and plans. We pray for them, and with them as they seek the next step in their life. I get teary-eyed just thinking about it. Some of the students become my kids during their time at Berry (and sometimes Shorter!).
In 2004 we had a bumper crop of students that were very special, and it was so hard for me that May. I missed that daily or semi-regular communication with them. I could call them or email them, but it wasn't the same. They weren't on campus, they weren't at church, and my dinner table was not the same without them.

That was the year that I realized that just as I missed them and our daily talks, the Lord misses us when we don't communicate with Him on a regular basis. God made us to be in relationship with Him, and He desires to hear from us daily. He wants us to be in His house on Sundays. He wants us to be at His table, to hear His voice.

Here is a picture of one of our recent graduates, Chad Rowell. Chad was a faithful member at Calvary during this last 3 years at Berry. He worked with the youth, sang in the adult choir his senior year, and was a tremendous blessing to the Nobles family. Chad heads to Dallas/Ft. Worth this fall to attend seminary.

All the best to Chad and the other recent graduates, we hope to stay in touch and hear your voice. We pray that you will also keep your relationship strong with the Lord and listen for His voice.

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