This earth is not our home, but enjoy the journey!

This earth is not our home, but enjoy the journey!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Why I love college students

It was the mid-80's, and @edstetzer was the youth pastor at Calvary Baptist Church. Ed approached me one Sunday evening, and said "Kathryn, you need to adopt a college student". I asked him why, and he said "because you do." Two things you need to know about Ed: he probably gave me several other reasons, and you don't tell him "no." Randy & I adopted two Shorter students (gasp...the other school), named April & Christie. The rest is history.

We have had so many students in our homes over the past 25 years, and it has been such a blessing. Here are some of the reasons I love college students:

1. They laugh a lot, and laughing in contagious.

2. They don't care if you cleaned your house.
3. They'll eat anything, and are grateful to get it. We have rule at our house - college students & guest go first and if you don't like it don't eat it!

4. They are interested in spiritual things, and what you believe.

5. They are good role models for my kids (at least the ones that come to my house!), and have helped shaped them into the people they are today.

6. Their faith is amazing. I have learned so much from students as they demonstrate their faith by serving and loving others. They trust Him with their whole heart, and understand the sovereignty of God.

7. They are busy, and don't stay long!

8. They like to have fun. Students in your home is fun, and often loud.

9. It's fun to watch them mature as young adults, and feel like you had a part in their growth.

10. They get married, have kids, and come to visit!

Until I had my own college students (2 in college), one of the reasons I loved college students was because they weren't your kids. Someone else was still responsible for them! Having two of my own, it's a little different....but I'm just the caretaker, they all belong to God. Whatever He has for their lives is OK with me. They belong to Him.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The first step in the journey

I have been contemplating this blog for a year, and now it has come to fruition. I love reading blogs, learning new things, and keeping up with old friends. Several friends have encouraged me to blog, even though I'm not sure I have anything worthwhile to share.

My plan is to let readers get a glimpse into the life of the Nobles household. Today is an introduction to the family.

I'm the mom to 4 children - ages 22, 19, 16, and 11. My husband is Randy, an 8th grade social studies teacher who can retire this year. I've made him promise to teach until the 11 year old is finished with middle school!

I am a native Floridian who came to Rome Georgia as a freshman at Berry College. That was in 1978. I met Randy, my hubby of almost 29 years, on the first day. We started dating the first quarter, and married before my senior year....the rest is history. I know God put him in my path early in my college career or I would not be the woman I am today.

Our first child, Aaron, was born after 7 years of marriage. I often say that Aaron's birth was the easiest part of his life! God is teaching me many things through this first born child. God loves me so much - despite my ignoring Him, despite my disobedience, and poor choices. I must learn to give love to all my children the same way that HE grants love & mercy to me...a sinner saved by grace.

Alyssa was born two years later. I quit graduate school when I became pregnant with her. Now we had a boy & a girl - the perfect family. But God had other plans! Carrie was born the year that Aaron went to kindergarten. A surprise pregnancy to us, but not to God. Three children - I was the youngest of three, all was well. Then came baby number 4, Kate. To say that I was upset is an understatement. Randy was turning 40, and another baby was on the way. How would we manage?

God has provided at every turn, simply amazing! As you read my blog I hope you'll learn how God is teaching me to be dependent on Him for everything.

A verse I claimed before I had children (2 miscarriages prior to Aaron), is one I still claim today as I realize God's sovereignty. "The Lord will accomplish what concerns me; Thy loving kindness, O Lord, is everlasting; Do not forsake the works of Thy hands." Psalm 138:8